Q: Do you drink sake often?
Uruha: Yeah, I do drink sake often. Yes.
Q: Do you do it outside, or at home?
Uruha: I've been drinking outside a LOT, recently. Though I drink a lot at home as well. I drink everyday at home.
Q: How much sake do you drink?
Uruha: Um, but... but... It's not like I guzzle it down or anything.
Staff: What was the first guitar you bought?
Uruha: The guitar I bought was... It was a Horizon, an electric guitar. The one that the Grass Roots used. That was the first guitar I bought, a black one.
Staff: And when was that?
Uruha: When was that...? It was during high school. My parents bought it for me.
Uruha: At home while composing songs, I mean, playing the guitar, I'd drink. I mean, it's REALLY fun, playing the guitar and being drunk. Playing the guitar at those times... is the most fun.
Staff: Who thought you to play it at first?
Uruha: No one really taught me. My friends and I, we watched videos of the bands we liked and...
Staff: You self-studied?
Uruha: Is that called self-studying? We looked at scores, going "How should this be played?" and "Not like that, not like that!"
Staff: At the time, did you think you would become a pro?
Uruha: Yeah, I did think so, adversely. At the time, I kinda thought "Ain't it easy to become a pro?" Just do all the best that you can, and you'll just fly(?) on the road to becoming a pro.
Staff: So your dream of becoming a pro has come true?
Uruha: No, I still think it hasn't come true at all, yet. I'm, well, I'm self-aware of it sometimes, but...but there's part of me doesn't think of myself as a pro yet. It's complicated, isn't it?
Q: As a guitarist, what is the thing that makes you think you definitely have to be involved, ...(something I can't make out ><)
Uruha: It feels like, there exists another me who is a guitarist. I mean, how shall I put it? I have another viewpoint, and without that 'other me' who is able to keep composure, it'd be impossible for my case.
Q: So even through hardships, as long as you keep that conciousness/mentality?
Uruha: In accordance to lives, in accordance to making songs, sounds, in accordance to the give and take between the members, there exists another me that says "Hold on!", w-wait, not really another me. It's more like, I put myself in the shoes of my companion and think of how they feel. So, although I only come up with one conclusion, it takes a long time for me to think of that conclusion. This is how I think, but if I just utter it out like that, I'll still think, "Hm, somehow this is wrong...", and the other party would feel different about it, so I'll also feel that there might be another conclusion to it. But I've been doing it in that style 'till now, so there's that consideration to make.
Q: So you've just been doing it in that style?('m not sure, I can't hear the question clearly ;_;)
Uruha: Yes, I suppose so. It might be a roundabout way to think, and it's probably a way of thinking that makes it hard for you to come to a conclusion, but I think that this method is the way I myself agrees with best.And in accordance to making sounds, I would doubt myself when it comes to thinking "Oh, this sounds good"... because even though I might think "This sounds great!", somehow I would end up thinking, "Wouldn't there be even better sounds than this?"
To URUHA, the GUITAR is...
Uruha: What would it be? I don't think I know, even now. But... I wouldn't be able to find the answer to "What is the GUITAR?"... I guess... it would be the musical instrument that changed my life... At least, that's what I know. I didn't expect that a musical instrument would be able to change my life. It's an amazing thing, isn't it? It's an amazing instrument. :)
Ps: exam sucks :)
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