Weekends ended so fast and now it's Monday midnight again.The recent activities has imbued me with a new opinion,no it's a fact.I can only be 100% self with toml.I dare to speak dirty & personal with toml.I don't feel any awkward even there's complete slient with toml.I dare to sing unpleasant high tone rock songs with toml.I dare to be real late for toml meetings.I dare to hold their hands on mrt and gay with toml.Within days,emotional schemes was set on my mind,coz i missed them already(:
I can't take boredom.Take this.
I didn't come up to any conclusion whether to go work or not ): I wanted both grades and cashes.
7more hours and i am going to F**king far Dover.
I woke up quietly today.Jo's phone call woke me up today.Told me that she was in causeway with yan.Vividly,vividly,vividly i always remember when Jo rushed to the lift and shouted for me.Coz i forgot my phone.She's my sudden cousin,a gift from god & a sweet bomb.Always complaining that you're alone,but you got me.My La~Ca`Sa.
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