Sunday, July 1, 2007

What I want is what I've got

Boy you made my stomach pain,mushroom head cried.

Tomorrow is youth day.But stupid poly do not supply us with holiday on youth day.Ridiculous!

From this time onwards,i got a feeling that life is going to start sucking a whole lot again.July,projects after projects.Character Develop's presentations.More advance Engineering math topics.Digital Electronics wouldn't spare me much either,logic gates.SUCKA

I was clearing up my study table and i guess it does looked better&neater.

Life get so boring when you arrived home alone.Especially it's fucking no good to see parents heading back home so late.All you did was to wait there in silence and when they're back,the only place you feel like is going back to your room.Living in that same house,sleeping on that same bed plus the same environment you faced,its not rare that people do tend to get tired of it.Of course more often we take these things that we're born to have for 100% granted.

Home sweet home always has its meaning.

SONG OF THE DAY - I don't wanna fight

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